Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Perkembangan Teknologi Informasi
Teknologi Informasi (TI) merupakan suatu bidang industri yang berkembang dengan begitu pesatnya pada tahun-tahun terakhir ini, dan akan terus berlangsung untuk tahun-tahun mendatang.
Perkembangan industri dalam bidang TI ini membutuhkan suatu formalisasi yang lebih baik dan tepat mengenai pekerjaan, profesi berkaitan dengan keahlian di bidang TI. Perkembangan bidang Telematika dan Teknologi Informasi yang sangat pesat perlu diimbangi dengan penyiapan sumber daya manusia yang handal, untuk mengantisipasi persaingan global yang sudah semakin dekat.
Salah satu ciri khusus dari bidang ilmu Teknologi Informasi adalah fokus perhatian bidang ilmu tersebut yang lebih bersifat aplikatif. Bidang ilmu teknologi informasi lebih mengarah pada pengelolaan data dan informasi dalam sebuah enterprise (perusahaan atau organisasi kerja lainnya), dengan pemanfaatan teknologi komputer dan komunikasi data serta lebih menekankan pada teknik pemanfaatan perangkat-perangkat yang ada untuk meningkatkan produktifitas kerja. Dalam perkembangannya sejalan dengan paradigma ekonomi baru, maka teknologi informasi menjadi senjata yang handal dalam meningkatkan komunikasi dan interaksi enterprise dengan stake holdernya.
Revolusi Informasi yang merupakan gabungan antara ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi telah merubah sumber kekayaan tidak lagi berupa materi seperti pada revolusi industri tetapi berupa informasi dan pengetahuan yang diterapkan pada pekerjaan untuk menciptakan suatu nilai. Barangsiapa yang menguasai informasi maka ia akan menguasai dunia, sehingga mengingat semakin pentingnya informasi dan situasi suatu daerah, maka hadirlah agadide website ini menjadi jembatan informasi dari daerah sampai  ke seluruh pelosok dunia.
UMM yang berdiri tahun 1964 berlokasi di Malang, Jawa Timur, sekitar 98 km di sebelah selatan Surabaya. Malang merupakan daerah pegunungan yang dikelilingi empat gunung, yaitu: Panderman, Arjuno, Kawi dan Semeru. Wilayah dengan ketinggian sekitar 500 mdpl ini mempunyai hawa dingin-sejuk dengan suhu rata-rata berkisar 23,37oC – 30,01oC. Dengan kondisi alam seperti ini, Malang dikenal sebagai Kota Bunga dan Kota Pendidikan yang banyak dituju oleh mahasiswa dari seluruh penjuru negeri, dan bahkan mahasiswa asing dari semua belahan dunia.

UMM mempunyai tiga kampus yang letaknya strategis dan mudah dijangkau dengan perjalanan darat, udara dan laut. Saat ini UMM mendidik lebih dari 26.500 mahasiswa dari semua jenjang studi, baik mahasiswa dalam negeri maupun manca negara, seperti Australia, Singapura, Malaysia, Arab Saudi, Timor Leste, dan beberapa mahasiswa dari Eropa dan Amerika. Fakultas yang ada berjumlah 10 dan 1 Program Pascasarjana dengan jumlah program studi: 3 untuk Diploma, 34 untuk Strata1, 7 program di Pascasarjana, 2 program Doktor serta 2 program profesi. 

UMM telah bekerjasama dengan pihak luar kampus, baik dari instansi dalam dan luar negeri.  Untuk kerjasama luar negeri yang sedang berjalan antara lain: Erasmus Mundus, ACICIS, Peace Corps Amerika, BGP Engineering Belanda, AMINEF, AIESEC, EESTEC, USAID, AUSAID, American Corner, Iran Corner, dan lain-lain.

Sebagai perguruan tinggi swasta terkemuka, UMM sudah memperoleh pengakuan dari pihak eksternal, yaitu dengan diraihnya Nilai Akreditasi A dari BAN-PT (2013), Bintang Dua dari QS Star,  Terakreditasi KNAPP, Terakreditasi dari MTD Registered Public Accountants, Terakreditasi dari NQA Global Assurance, dan lain-lain.  Prestasi yang diraih UMM antara lain: Peraih Anugerah Kampus Unggul (AKU) Jawa Timur sejak tahun 2008, Peraih Anugerah AKU Kartika kopertis VII Jawa Timur sebagai kampus Terunggul di Jawa Timur, Runner Up Adi Upaya Puritama Kelas II (untuk Rusunawa), Runner Up ASEAN Energy Award, peringkat 18 Indonesia pada Webometrics (bahkan pernah ranking 8 Indonesia), Peringkat ke-5 Dunia konten Rich Files webometrics, Peringkat 5 Indonesia untuk Repository webometrics, peringkat 19 Indonesia 4icu, , Peringkat 22 TesCa-Telkom, dan lain-lain.  UMM juga memperoleh penghargaan dari pemerintah USA sebagai Host Peace Corps USA mulai tahun 2010.

Untuk memberi layanan akademik yang memadai berbagai fasilitas telah disediakan untuk mahasiswa, mulai sarana akademik, non akademik, sarana publik dan sarana rekreatif. Proses pembelajaran dan admisitrasi didukung dengan fasilitas ICT dan sistem informasi manajemen yang memadai, sehingga membuat proses studi menjadi mudah, efisien, dan selalu mengikuti perkembangan jaman.
Science is a business that is multi-dimensional, so it can be defined in many ways and not raw. However science should be seen as a basic (basic) human thinking process in carrying out various studies. For science it may be associated with the method and the research process.
Relevance of the research to science, humans evolved from efforts to find answers to questions like “What now?”; “What?”; “Why this?”; “Why so?” And later evolved into the “how does it happen? “and” how to solve it? ‘. With encouragement like to know the man has always wanted to gain knowledge about the problems that she did not know that in the end emerge new knowledge known as science (knowledgement) a systematic and organized. By using the mind and the reflective mind, people were able to solve the problem at hand.
The approach to scientific and non-scientific. Scientific approach can be studies while non-scientific approach may be common sense, prejudice, intuition, chance discovery / trial and error (trial and error) and mendapau scientific authority / critical mind. Berdasakan definition above, there is a close relationship between science and research. The experts say that it is impossible to separate science research and described as two sides of the same coin. Almack (1930) says that research and science are the result and process. Research is the process, while the result is a science. Whitney (1960) asserts that science and research is an ongoing process together. This means that science and research are the same process, while the result of the process is the truth (truth). Truth is meant is knowledge of the truth that is open to be tested by anyone who wants to test it.
With relevance / relationship may be mentioned various aspects of the role of science and research so as to mention something that is done it is a work of scholarship, such as;
1. Mencandra / Description / Specifies
This function seeks to describe or explain things that are at issue.
2. Describe / explanation
This function seeks to explain the conditions that underlie the emergence of problems or events.
3. Preparation Theory
This function is trying to formulate theories / principles / rules of the relationship between the conditions / events with each other.
4. Forecasting / Prediction
This function is trying to hold the forecasts / predictions, estimates and projections of the issues / events and the impact it will have.
5. Control / Controling
This function is trying to take measures to control the problem / perstiwa / symptoms.
Higher Education as an institution of higher education need to carry out research activities as the embodiment of the implementation of one of three responsibilities: education and university teaching, research and community service. Lecturer (faculty) as an important tool in academic activities in universities have an obligation to carry three tasks.
In keeping with the development of science and technology, then the teachers will be able maningkatkan abilities and skills through research, both social and economic-based techniques. In addition to increasing their own abilities and skills, to heighten the excitement of academic life, students also received significant attention in the research activities. Teachers share the responsibility in terms of increasing desire, attitude, and skills students in conducting research.
One of the efforts that can be taken is to try to do your own research means research conducted independently and in accordance degan research ethics both by the faculty or college or with the involvement of faculty and students. Research that can be done independently will be able to improve the quality of the faculty and university. In the framework of the effort, knowledge and skills of the faculty towards research is necessary, particularly Research Methodology. His association with increased fervor examining students is expected in all courses that are taught there is one particular course of Research Methodology. Through research, it is hoped will emerge new knowledge or breakthroughs useful for universities and development of a nation.
In addition for the purposes of increasing the knowledge, ability and skills of the researchers, one thing that is very important is the role of research to the development of a nation. That is the meaning or significance of a penelitiaan for the development of the nation. From the literature and the media, it can be seen that there was no single developed country in the world to succeed in development without the support of research activities. There is a presumption (when viewed in passing) that the research can only be done by developed countries. This assumption is because they have the funds and researchers which is sufficient but it turns out as many as 98% of the research in the world is spent on penelitiaan-research in developing countries. The amount of costs incurred for research not only be seen from the amount of money and energy that is used but the most important are the benefits of such research for the development of developing countries.
Especially for developing countries such as Indonesia, the role of research in the history of nation-building is not in doubt. Through the studies that have been done then any existing or potential problems during the development process takes place can be known. Just a bunch of research so that the information / data can be obtained relatively complete.
Development planning should always be based on the data / information obtained through research. It is very tidaka possible to plan the construction without the use of reliable data. The results of the tests, evaluations and reviews back development activities can only be known when the research is conducted. Similarly, research plays an important role in any decision-making or steps in all aspects of development.